North Country Cheviot Sheep Society

Join the Society

All applications to join the Society will be approved by Council prior to Membership beginning, council meeting are held three times per year, usually February, June & November.

Upon receiving an application for membership, the secretary will confirm the receipt of the application & date of the next council meeting.

Please complete the form with as much detail as possible to help with your application being approved.

Current fees are as follows:



Fees to be sent to:

Corinna Cowin, NCCSS Secretary, Alandale, Kirkby Thore, Penrith Cumbria CA10 1UE

Please read the Society Rules & Regulations, Registration of Flocks & Breed Description before applying for membership.


A Flock Book shall be issueed annually with the following general principals

On the female side, the flock shall be the unit of registration. However, the total number of ewes in the flock shall be detailed.

On the male side, the rams shall have be individually registered (see ram registration for details)

Each registered flock shall have an individual number (NC or NCH). The ewe stock bred by the owner shall be identified with the two marks & a letter indicationg year of birth.

The ram lambs, in addition to the above, shall, when registered, be issued with an individual Society number & a note of the breeding of each kept in the breeder's private flock book.


Any North Country Cheviot flock owner can apply for registraion through the Society Secretary.

An applicant for Flock Registration must:

  1. become (if not already a member) a member of the Society (Annual Subscription £40)
  2. own a flock of North Country Cheviot Sheep which are eliable for registration
  3. provide, on official application form, a list of the Registered Flocks in whihc the males & females to be registered were bred.
  4. agree to pay to the Society a Ewe Registration Fee, as determined by Society (at present10p per female breeding sheep per annum)
  5. agree to pay the Society the stipulated Ram Registration Fee for each ram not previously registered.
  6. agree to have flock inspected, if Council so requires.
  7. agree to pay any reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the inspectors, if required to do so.
  8. agree to abide by the rules of the Society
  9. submit the necessary fees with the application.


  1. Every owner of a Registered Flock shall, before the 1st day of December in each year, upon the Society's official form for recording in the Flock Book, make a return of his/her Registered Flock, with a note of the sires being used. This return must be in the hands of the Secretary by the 31st of December.
    Entries received after this date will be liable to pay double the registration fees.

  2. Every sire used in a Registered Flock must be individually registered and entered in the Flock Book. All rams to be registered by the breeder prior to sale or when used.
    Registration Fee: All Rams …………£6 per ram (£1 discount online)

  3. All replenishments of ewe stocks must be from Registered Flocks and the lambs, gimmers or ewes so replenishing the flock must have been tagged before leaving their breeder's possession.

  4. On acceptance for registration, each flock shall be given a flock number which shall be retained by that flock for as long as it is a Registered Flock.

  5. Every owner of a registered flock must ensure all stock are tagged and identified according to ministry guidelines and a record maintained to identify the flock of origin and year of birth for each individual.

  6. Breeders of ram lambs must keep a private register showing the sire of each ram lamb and the flock number of the dam.

  7. This register must be retained and be available for inspection at any time by the Secretary of the Society or other person authorised by the Council.

  8. The Council of the Society reserves the right of, at any time, ordering the inspection of any flock or sheep belonging to any member of the Society. The issue of Export Registration Certificates shall be conditional on the inspection and approval by the Council, or a duly appointed panel acting in their name, of all sheep for export.

  9. The Council may decline any entry.

  10. No entry, either of flock or ram, shall be received from a member whose subscription and fees for the current year have not been paid.

  11. Failure to make any return will result in the flock of sheep being inadmissible for registration.

  12. All members offering North Country Cheviot Sheep for Show or Sale must have them clipped bare in accordance with the *Bare Clipping Rule. The Society reserves the right to inspect any sheep bare clipped and shall carry out random checks each year.

  13. No riggs shall be exhibited or sold at any principal show or sale held under the auspices of the Society.

  14. Hill Register rams can be used on Main Register flocks and all such rams must be tattooed (or tagged) in the left ear with the letters "NCH" followed by the Flock Number of the flock where they were bred.

  15. At the Ram Sales each year there will be a levy for the Society, at present 3.00 per cent, with a minimum of £5, collected by the Marts on all rams sold. This levy is also due on all rams sold privately and should be included with the Annual Return.

  16. Use of Embryo Transfer is not permitted by the Society.

*Bare Clipping Rule - Any sheep for Society Show or Sale should be bare clipped on or after 1st March.

Registration of Rams


  1. To be eligible for registration and entry in the Flock Book rams must be the produce of a registered flock and of a registered sire.

  2. Rams entered may be named, but not more than three names can be accepted, including any prefix or affix.

  3. Members may adopt a prefix or an affix which shall be registered with the Society.

  4. A member may use only his own prefix or affix for home-bred rams.

  5. Rams can only be registered by their breeders & this must be done prior to sale or when used.

  6. All PARK rams MUST be registered by 31st July each year & all HILL rams MUST be registered by 31st August each year – any registration after this date will be subject to double registration fees.

  7. The statement of the breeding of all rams put forward for entry and registration in the flock must (if required) be verified by the signature of the breeder.

  8. In the registration of rams where the dam's sire can be proved such rams shall be recorded as pedigree rams.

  9. Rams entered without such evidence of the pedigree of the dam shall be recorded as registered rams.

  10. No riggs will be registered


Initial Expenses Fee:

  Both Registers ………………………………………………... £40

  (Covers Entry Fee, First Annual Subscription and Registration of Prefix)


  Annual Subscription..............................................…..….....…£40

  Life Membership - New Members ....................…................. £400

   (Life Membership is available only to individuals who have previously held 5 years of membership and not to companies or partnerships)

Registration of Flocks (Main and Hill Registers)

   On making annual return -

   Fee for each female breeding sheep in the flock

   (ewes and gimmers) ............................................……...... 10p each      

Registration of Rams & Ram Lambs -

       All Rams ……………………………………………£6 per ram
(£1 Discount for online registrations)

Export Registration Certificate-

   Fee .................................................…............….  £5 per female

                                                                             £15 per male

Flock Book

   To Members ......................................................…........…. £15.00

   To Non-Members ........….........................................…...... £20.00


Head and Face -

White, well covered with fine hair, free from blueness or brown. Ears, of fine length and thickness, well covered with white hair, and coming out from the head at an angle of about forty-five degrees from the horizontal with good width between. Nose, straight to slightly Roman. Good width between eyes, broad muzzle, and wide, black nostril well open. Head, long, with deep underjaw. Eyes, dark, fairly big, bright and alert. Wool well up to back of cheeks and under throat and to back of ears but not between. The male is sometimes horned, but the horn must be free from blackness.

Neck -        

        Strong, big at base, well set in at shoulders and of medium length.

Breast -

        Deep and wide.

Body -                 

Long, deep and wide. Back, straight with good width between shoulder blades and no falling off or slackness behind them. Belly and flanks well covered with wool. Ribs well sprung. Tail, broad and well woolled.

Legs -                

White, of fair length, set well apart and coming down straight from the four corners of the body, with strong flat bone and well-defined hocks. Hooves, black and of good strength.

Wool -               

White, of good staple, free from curl, hair or kemp. Not hard, but has a spongy feeling when grasped.

NOTE – The Black variant of the NCC is not eligible for registration. Its description would be as above with the colour reference to white, replaced with black.

Contact Details

For all North Country Cheviot Sheep Society enquiries please contact our secretary:

Corinna Cowin

Mobile: 07834817710





© 2024 North Country Cheviot Sheep Society. All rights reserved. Website by Delwedd.